A view into the history of the UP

Photo by Jan
The UP of Michigan and Northern Wisconsin has always been known as a place of extreme natural beauty, it's one of the reasons we keep coming up here year after year. I'll post more about the waterfalls in a day or so, but today I want to explore a little of the past of this region.
You see, over a hundred and fifty years ago, this part of the world was known for its natural resources. Before the lush forest that are the Ottawa and Hiawatha forest, the whole of the UP was nearly stripped clear of all lumber, helping to feed the growth of our nation in those early days. It would take many decades to reestablish those forests. And today the lumber industry is very big here, though they have a greater knowledge of forestry that allows for the constant regeneration of the woods.
So too was it with Copper and Iron that was abundant here and helped create the automotive industry and fed the need for steel at Mr Ford's factories. Jan and I were able to take a tour of one of those mines and It was very interesting. I put together a short video of the tour. I hope you'll enjoy it, and if you're ever up this way, It's worth the time.
Iron Mountain Iron Mine
Inside the mine
Mine Tour Video
Hope you enjoyed the Video!
Historical Fact alert!!!!
Boys would start to work in the mine at 14, life expectancy was 30 years old. Over 100 people lost their lives in just this one mine. It was a very hard life but it was often the only work they could get.
Our next blog will be about the Waterfall Loop and should be out in a few days. Tomorrow we head for Duluth Minnesota.
Take care and as always, we will see you on the road.
Frank and Jan.
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